The artist devotes her paintings to "questions of space - fractured, simultaneous and non-simultaneous space, and landscape within landscape." Different spatial dimensions are interwoven on the canvas, creating light-filled, surreal landscape compositions that take the viewer into a metaphysical, seemingly supernatural world where interior and exterior, figuration and abstraction, surface and depth exist simultaneously.
1981 Born in Berlin2002 Studies of fine arts at the UdK Berlin, class of Tony Cragg2005 NICA-Scholarship, semester at Cooper Union New York2006 Class of Prof. Valérie Favre2007 Graduate degree, UdK Berlin2008 Post-graduate degree, UdK Berlin
Born in 1981 in Berlin, Michelle Jezierski studied with Tony Cragg at the Berlin University of the Arts from 2002 to 2005 and, after a semester at Cooper Union New York, graduated in 2008 with Valérie Favre.